Strategies To Help Boost Retirement Savings In 2023

by | Feb 24, 2023

Retirement may seem a long way off if you are like many Americans. But being smart about your money and doing financial planning now can pay off in the long run and help ensure you have the resources available when it is time to retire.

Here we’ll explore current strategies to help individuals lay a strong foundation for their retirement savings plans, such as focusing on starting today instead of waiting until tomorrow and taking advantage of employer-sponsored matching programs where applicable.

In addition, we’ll cover different types of accounts that are ideal for accumulating funds throughout your career, such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and Roth IRAs.

Understanding these options can be critical since they provide tax advantages and determine how much – and when -you will receive distributions during your golden years.

Focus On Starting Today

If you’re only just setting money aside for retirement, don’t wait to begin saving! Do as much as possible now.

This way, compound interest can take action by creating more earnings off of your existing assets. Those earnings will then again be reinvested, creating even more profit.

Retirement Planning Steps

  • Know when to start planning for retirement.
  • Determine how much money you’ll need in retirement.
  • Understand your options for retirement income
  • Set and Order Your Financial Goals
  • Know how early you can retire.
  • Select the right retirement plan.
  • Build and monitor your portfolio.

Begin Early And Invest, Even If It Is A Small Amount

Despite investing less — $75 per month versus $100 per month — if a 25-year-old begins to put away money earlier, they will come out with more assets by age 65 than if they had started investing at 35.

Investing a relatively small sum of money over an extended time frame can have a much more beneficial outcome for your investment returns than investing a large amount for only a brief period.

By committing to smaller investments spread out across a longer timeframe, you are taking advantage of the power of compound interest, which can help ensure that your portfolio will see significant growth over the long term.

Contribute To Your 401(K) Account

Eligible employees may gain a significant advantage by participating in their employer’s traditional 401(k) plan; they can contribute pretax money.

Taking the example of someone in the 12% tax bracket who establishes to save $100 apiece pay period, this can prove significantly beneficial.

Since that money is deducted from your paycheck before federal income taxes are calculated, your net salary will be reduced by only $88 plus the amount of relevant state and local taxes, Medicare tax, and Social Security tax.

Consequently, you will notice a slight decrease in your take-home pay. According to a financial advisor, your retirement savings goals should include an emergency fund in your retirement account.

If you are presented with the option of a Roth 401(k) feature by your employer’s 401(k) plan, you should carefully consider whether it is appropriate for you.

This type of plan operates on income already taxed instead of pretax funds, so it can be beneficial if you anticipate being in a higher tax bracket when you retire.

Consequently, it is important to factor this into your decision-making process when selecting the kind of retirement plan best suits your situation.

Meet Your Employer’s Match

Greenberg recommends that if your employer offers to match your 401(k) plan contributions, you should contribute at least an amount necessary to maximize the matching offer.

For instance, some employers may provide a 50% match for employee contributions up to 5% of their salary.

Therefore, in this case, it is beneficial for employees to contribute at least 5% of their income to take full advantage of the money provided by their employer’s matching program.

Contributing to a retirement plan can mean granting yourself free money: if you earn an income of $50,000 and put in $2,500 a year, your employer will add another $1,250.

Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity!

Open An IRA

An IRA may be a good option to amass substantial retirement savings. You have two respective choices: A traditional or Roth IRA.

Deciding which one is suitable depends on your income status and whether you or your spouse already have access to a workplace retirement plan.

Contributing to a traditional IRA can be an excellent way to save for retirement.

The essentially free money you contribute is generally tax-deductible in the year that it is contributed, and any potential investment earnings have the potential to grow without being taxed until you make withdrawals during retirement.

This makes traditional IRAs an attractive savings option as they can provide additional tax benefits in addition to helping you accumulate wealth over time.

At 59½, withdrawals of qualified amounts (as well as earnings accrued) from a Roth IRA come without incurring a federal income tax.

State income taxes may not be applicable, provided certain duration requirements are fulfilled.

All deposits to the account are post-tax contributions.

Figuring out which IRA option is best for you can be done by visiting Find out which IRA may be right for you to view the most recent 401(k) and IRA contribution limits.

Know Your Retirement Income Options

Common sources of retirement income include social security, annuities, pensions, and savings – though there are many unconventional strategies to consider. Generating income during retirement may involve great planning and ensuring you understand different options, such as:  investing in the stock market or using an IRA.


Employers generally provide pension payments to retired employees. These measures of financial substance typically depend on the terminating wage and the duration of the employee’s service.

Social Security

The amount each retired worker gets every month under Social Security is determined by several components, notably their earnings record.

This makes it important to understand what kind of rating they can expect from the governmental benefit when they plan their retirement.


An annuity is a financial product, typically offered by an insurance company, that allows individuals to guarantee themselves a source of regular income during retirement.

Annuities can be fixed or variable, and individuals can decide when to receive payments.

Fixed annuities are those in which the payment amount remains unchanged over time.

Variable annuities offer payments that may vary depending on market performance.

With either type of annuity, you can rest assured knowing you will have a steady income stream throughout your retirement.

Retirement Savings

Retirement savings, such as those obtained via a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, or other investment accounts, can be extremely valuable sources of income when it’s time to retire.

Rental Income

Another option for generating revenue during retirement is to rent out your accommodation, including any vacation homes or real estate investments you may have.

It can be a great way to create lasting income for yourself.

Business Income

Semi-retirement, often embraced because of a passion for an industry or appreciation for autonomy, is a popular tactic to relax into retirement.

For those who are self-employed or run a small business, it can also be a source of retirement income.

Passive Income

Retirement income does not necessarily have to be generated strictly through more traditional means.

For those looking for more creative options, passive income streams could be a viable solution.

After the initial setup, these financial investments and ventures typically require little input; however, they can continue to provide consistent income throughout retirement.

Investing in a rental property and hiring a property manager is one way to create passive income.

Another way is to begin a blog wherein you can sell advertising space or profit from royalties due to creative works.

Automate Your Savings

Greenberg emphasizes the significance of “paying yourself first,” which involves setting up automated retirement contributions each month.

This process could lead to amassing your nest egg without frequently considering it.

This retirement savings strategy can be extremely beneficial on your journey towards financial security, as you are actively taking steps to ensure your future prosperity.

Strategies To Help Boost Retirement Savings In 2023

It can seem daunting to plan for retirement in the coming year, but with diligent effort and careful thought, you can be sure of enjoying your retirement when it comes.

By implementing any combination of the various strategies to help boost retirement savings discussed in this post, such as reducing spending, saving money from every paycheck, and making wise investments, you can create a reliable source of income during your retirement years.

Remember that guidance from financial advisors and consistent monitoring of your savings is key when building a comfortable retirement fund.

Using these two elements together will help give you peace of mind that your future is secure.

Don’t let rainy days in the following years dampen your commitment to a sound retirement plan.

Early financial preparation creates stronger retirement plans; start now while you have the capability and means to do so and enjoy a healthy lifestyle after retirement.


  • scott hall

    Scott realized about 5 years ago that he was woefully behind on retirement savings and needed to catch up. He began writing about it on

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